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  • Writer's pictureEmma Uhrlass

Top 15 Picks: My Top Songs 2020

Hey guys, gals, & non-binary pals!

WOW--what an exciting time of year it is! Thanksgiving has passed; Christmas approaches; the weather is chilly! Most importantly, Spotify Wrapped playlists have come out and I am shocked once again.

In all reality, I think I already knew what My Top Songs 2020 would be, considering how much I was able to walk to classes pre-COVID, bopping to my walking playlists (which consist heavily of rap). However, as I listened to this playlist for the first time, I realized I've missed out on memories associated with this playlist due to the pandemic. Things like walking to class, studying in the library, and catching lunch with my friends have become obsolete for me since classes have gone completely online. These things are small and seemingly insignificant, but they're things I miss most of all in our current climate.

During this pandemic, I think it's important to reminisce on what the past looked like, so we can remember what to appreciate in the future. Perhaps, some of you agree with me or, perhaps, some of you are yelling at your screens right now to, "Forget the past! It makes us feel sad!" To those of you who think negatively on the past, I want to remind you that sadness is not a bad emotion; often times, when we let ourselves feel sad, we learn to appreciate the joy when it comes to us. After all, life is filled with ups and downs, and I'm going to appreciate each and every event for what it is.

For this post, I thought I would revive my old Top 15 Hits posts. I realized that, during the school year, I just threw these monthly posts to the wayside, and, for that, I apologize. However, this edition of Top 15 Hits is going to be a bit different. Per usual, I will give you all 15 of my favorite songs from My Top Songs 2020 Spotify Wrapped. But, instead of simply adding a lil description of the song, I am going to place a memory I have associated with the song. In my opinion, for many of these songs, those memories are the reason these songs are my most listened to this year.


Without further ado, here are my Top 15 Hits from My Top Songs 2020 Spotify Wrapped playlist:

Each and every time this song comes on, I immediately smile because there are COUNTLESS memories attached to this song. Perhaps, that is the sole reason it is my number one song this year. For this track, I will choose my favorite memory, since this one has been the soundtrack to so many.

Memory: Playing basketball outside of my residence hall with my friends at 10pm on a school night. I know...rebellious. But seriously, one of the most fun nights of my college career. That night, I learned that I suck at guarding, I am stellar at shooting (sometimes), and that it is really hard playing basketball with your 6-foot-something guy friends and your 5'10'' best friend who are all basketball legends. However, it's spontaneous, "Ball?" messages that I miss most of all because they lead to joyous moments such as these.

I promise I won't go in order, but this song is just too good to not highlight. I have two memories I associate with this song, so I'm going to share both because this is my post and I can do what I want.

Memory: First time I reheard this song when my boyfriend visited me and we went to Raleigh for a day trip. We were still newly dating, so we were still awkward around each other, but I knew I was falling in love with this guy. We visited the Science Center, walked around Downtown, and went to watch planes land at the airport. Still, to this day, one of my most favorite dates we have been on. This song played in his car on our way back to my dorm as he grabbed my hand, and, in my head, the stars aligned. After he left, I really think I listened to this song every day at least three times because it reminded me of him. Sometimes, when you're semi-long distance, listening to a song that reminds you of the other makes you feel closer to that person, even if you're an hour away :).

Memory: When I accidentally ran a 6:30 mile for the first time in my entire life. I was really anxious one day and, when I was on campus, I used to go to the gym late to help alleviate my anxiety. That night, I went on the treadmill, put on my headphones, and just went on autopilot. My friends, who were on opposite sides of me, looked at me shocked as I absolutely dripped with sweat. The last three minutes of my mile were spent listening to this song and, after I finished, I was SO proud of myself. Never in my life had I ever ran a 6:30 mile--as my previous times were closer to 8 or 9 minutes--and, in that moment, I felt strong.

Apparently, this year should be titled, "Emma Revisits Songs That She Forgot Existed," because this is exactly how "Work Out" by J.Cole got on this playlist. I was utterly obsessed with song, and honestly still am--it's a masterpiece. Plus, it makes some UNC references ("Carolina Blue kicks fresh on the scene"), so naturally, it's that much better because of it.

Memory: This song playing at a Carolina men's basketball game in the Dean Dome. Since J.Cole is not only a NC native, but a Tarheel fan, we play this song constantly in our stadium. Hearing it makes me remember the feeling of being in the Dean Dome, filled with fans, Carolina Blue, and school spirit. Just remembering it makes me smile. Perhaps, it is what I will miss most about my Carolina experience as an undergraduate.

Memory: Visiting my sweet friends from camp at a college conference. We listened to this song in one of my friend's cars, as the mountain scenes passed us by on the highway and, for a moment, life seemed perfect. I miss these friends immensely and, as we most likely won't have the conference this January due to the pandemic, it's heartwarming to remember the times we did have together the previous year.

Memory: Listening to this song for the very first time in the car with my friends. We had gone to a local farm for some fresh ice cream and, on the way back, "Jackie Onassis" came on. I had never listened to this song before but was instantly captivated. This, most definitely, was my 'gateway' Sammy Rae track. After that day, I was hooked on her music and still am today.

Memory: Getting ready to go out with my friends. I think, if I had to choose a 'Bad Bitch' anthem, it is THIS song. Teyana Taylor is effortlessly talented and all of her songs are incredible; however, "Made It" was the one that stuck with me most. I don't wear makeup often, but when I do, I listen to this song while I get ready to boost my confidence. One night, I had planned a GNI (Girls' Night In, because, ya know, pandemic) and this song blasted as we all got dressed, did our hair (I just fluffed mine), and put on makeup. Still, to this day, I think that was one of the nights we ALL felt our best!

Memory: Riding my bike in the evening while the sun set. Need I say more? It was a religious experience and I felt like I was the main character in an indie coming-of-age film.

Similar to "Ballin' (with Roddy Rich)," this song has so many memories attached to it. However, there is one I remember more clearly than the others.

Memory: Parking in a parking garage in Raleigh while blasting this song and singing all the words with my friends. One night, I convinced two of my good friends to drive to Raleigh on evening to get ramen and we had THE best playlist queued. Of course, this song came on and we all sang the words at the top of our lungs. For the Migos' verses, my best friend and I took turns rapping and it was incredible. Easily, one of the most fun nights of my life!

Memory: My third date with my boyfriend, where we blasted this song in his car while we drove around at night. Certain songs just pair perfectly with the evening hours and this song is definitely one of them. Still, to this day, whenever I listen to this song, I want to cruise around the city at night with my favorite person, hands in the air while the wind blows through my hair.

Memory: Walking back from work while the sun set and the air was chilly. It's the perfect thinking song for me, so it made my walks to my dorm more contemplative.

Memory: Riding with my groupmates to do our weekly service activity on Wednesdays at a local elementary school. I hadn't heard this song before, so one of my groupmates instantly played this track and I was captivated! "Father Stretch" still gives me goosebumps to this day because it's THAT good.

Memory: Bopping with my best friend to this song in our living room while we danced like fools. She was the one who showed me this song and I listened it so often that I knew all of the words after only a few days. Naturally, when it was just us two in our suite, we blasted this track and horribly danced until our other friends came home and joined us.

Side note: I'm SHOCKED this song is even on my playlist this year because this is a song I exclusively listened to in high school. Nonetheless, it's a great track and I have a clear memory associated with it.

Memory: Blasting (I mean, blasting--bass? ALL the way up) this track with my friend from high school whenever we hung out. I swear, whenever he drove me home, this song was played. It's not even that long of a song, but we both knew every word and instantly finished our conversations when we heard the familiar beginning monologue. I'm still shocked this song is on my playlist this year, but perhaps, Spotify wanted to give me a throwback to 2018.

Memory: Walking in a field close to my house and allowing myself to truly feel joy for the first time in months during the COVID-19 pandemic. When I first heard this song, it made me want to frolic in a flower field and dance to my hearts' content. So, naturally, one day, I decided to do just that, and the joy it brought me was beyond compare.

Out of all the songs I listened to this year, this song holds my most treasured memories. Of course, it's only fitting that this track is also my most favorite. As I sit here, staring at my screen, thinking of my favorite memories associated with this song to share with you all, I realize that I could never put it into words. You see, this song hasn't simply been the soundtrack for just one memory for one specific event, but many memories leading up to a feeling. For me, that feeling is love. True, dynamic love. And, for those of you who have experienced this type of love before, you know it cannot be put into words. For that reason, I leave you with ambiguity. Only one of you knows the meaning behind "Truth" and I think it's more special to keep it that way.


Don't forget to cherish the memories of the past, for they allow you to appreciate the present and the events yet to come.

Have a great week, friends! :)



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