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  • Writer's pictureEmma Uhrlass

Playlist Spotlight: "the lil moments"

Hey guys, gals, & non-binary pals!

I hope the holidays weren't as bad for you as anticipated. For many of us, this holiday season was hard. With the new COVID-19 restrictions, we were encouraged to spend the holidays alone, isolated, or without certain members of our family. For many of you, the holidays may have felt lonely, and if so, I'm glad you all survived to smile another day. Some of us, like me, spent their first holiday with a chair empty at the dinner table--not because that person opted to stay home, but because that person is no longer with us. If you're reading this and this holiday season was difficult for you, I'm here in solidarity. And I'm proud of you for waking up this morning, grabbing a cup of coffee or tea, and choosing to breathe.


With the loss of my grandmother earlier this year, my family found itself with not only one less seat at the table, but with open space on Christmas Day. Traditionally, my mother would cook a delicious Polish feast on Christmas Eve and, on Christmas Day, we would travel to my grandmother's house to have a Christmas dinner. However, this year, after opening presents, eating breakfast, and getting cleaned up, we were left with extra time in our day. To pass the time, I suggested that we watch the new Pixar movie, Soul.

For those of you who haven't seen Soul, I highly recommend checking it out. I can speak for myself when saying it has transformed the way I look at life. Without spoilers, I will say that the theme of this movie is simplicity. Our purposes in life do not come from grand plans that stem from our deep-rooted passions, but rather from simple moments, like the way the leaves crinkle when you step on them, or the soft smiles you give to people on the street as you pass by. For many of us, our sole purpose in life is simply just to live.

With that in mind, I found myself deeply reflecting on the year 2020. For most of us, it was filled with tragedy, changes in routine, and uncertainty. For others, severe loneliness, anxiety, and depression. However, as I was thinking, I recognized that, though I too felt these negative experiences and emotions, I also felt little moments of joy. However, they weren't grand gestures, like seeing a loved one for the first time in five months, or nailing an online interview for an internship position. They were smaller than that; often insignificant in a normal year. Rather than looking at the negative aspects of 2020, or the grand opportunities that were taken from me due to COVID-19, I decided to hone in on the tiny moments--the 'lil moments,' if you will. The 'insignificant' and the 'small.' But, ultimately, the ones that make us look forward to living the most.

In an effort to reflect on these moments of living, I have chosen a song that pairs with each moment. These songs aren't connected to the moment in any way, but rather, that they simply remind me of these moments. There are no words in these tracks, as they serve as a soundtrack to the simple moments. Don't worry--it'll make sense in a second. My advice to you while reading this post is to keep an open mind. Many of these moments are going to seem very insignificant and, in a normal year, they would be considered as such. However, in 2020, these moments have been my reason to wake up in the morning, take a deep breath, and smile.


Making the perfect cup of coffee, grabbing a blanket, and curling up next to someone you love.

Walking around a city at night, as the streets are lined with soft Christmas lights and the air is crisp and your cheeks are rosy pink.

Climbing to the top of a mountain at dawn, looking out at the world below and hearing the birds chirp softly.

Hiking alongside a riverbend in the crisp autumn air and sitting amongst the rocks as you rest.

The warm feeling of the sun on your skin.

Falling asleep next to someone you love, smiling and wondering how you got this lucky.

The feeling of an old book, as you gently turn the pages and reveal a new piece of the story.

Watching planes land, wondering where they've been and where they will go next.

Stargazing under a blanket in a field, counting the constellations.

Driving on an open road at 5am, with minimal cars on the road and the stars guiding your way.

Making a home-cooked meal and dancing in the kitchen with the one you love.

Going out to breakfast on a sunny summer morning.

Sitting in a coffee shop, watching the people walk past and reading the Sunday paper.

The crackling of a fire; the warmth of a blanket; the soft glow of Christmas lights outside the window.

The soft creak of old wooden floors in a bookstore.


May these moments be a reminder of the little and the seemingly insignificant, and their power to transform the every day experiences of each and every one of us who experience them.

Wishing you all a happy New Year!



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