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  • Writer's pictureEmma Uhrlass

Playlist Spotlight: Boogie Wonderland

Hello, guys, gals, & non-binary pals!

This week, we are going to be GROOVIN'!


If you're like me, this week begins the most stressful period of your academic career: Finals Week. Usually, universities are kind during this period and give you a few free days within the week to breathe, calling them "Reading Days" (though nobody really reads on these days--we just try to nap). However, due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the abrupt transition to online classes that MY university decided to enact, these "Reading Days" are no longer. Instead, I will be aggressively completing all of my exams, final papers, and final projects at supersonic speed in less than a week, without a break.

Dramatic? Perhaps. But it's a lot.

One of my favorite ways to relieve stress during "Exam Szn" is perhaps something people don't do as often. I understand. We are busy, busy bees, and my tactic is a bit juvenile. However, I literally couldn't care less. It's amazing and it works for me. I really think that everyone would benefit from doing this and looking silly at least once a week because it keeps you humble, you know?

Alright, I'll reveal my secret. You can laugh. You can scoff. But I don't care.

My top-secret "Exam-Szn" hack is a dance party!

I know. I know. You're skeptical. Perhaps, you've even SEEN me drop it low and you have questions about my credentials. I don't blame you. I played drums in high school, but dear LORD, I have no rhythm when it comes to dancing. However, I allow myself to look stupid, silly, or what have you, and it's fun. You heard me--FUN.

When you've been staring at your computer all day, or perhaps reading the same textbook for three days straight, sometimes all you have to do is laugh at yourself and blow off some steam. The perfect storm to make those two things happen? Dancing.

So, without further ado, this leads me to my masterful playlist: Boogie Wonderland.

I crafted Boogie Wonderland on a whim.

My house, filled with 6 girls including myself, was highly stressed after a two-week period of midterm exams. As I am an education major, midterms go against our mantra, so naturally, I was the only one completely stress-free. Seeing my housemates stressed was hard for me. There was absolutely no way I could take away any of their stress, and I certainly didn't want to add any more onto them by planning fun activities, so, instead, I came up with a special event on the first Friday they were midterm-free. This event, you ask? A dance party to shake off responsibility.

That Friday, we danced. We boogied. We laughed and we smiled. It was a HIT! In the comfort of our home, we transformed our space from a homey living room to a dance club, complete with technicolor lights and a DJ (me). Perhaps, we went a little overboard for the event, but it was fun. Honestly, the most fun we have had in a while.

It is at this moment that I give this playlist to you all in the hopes you too will create your own little moment of joy in the busy periods of your lives. Especially, to help you get through finals.

Remember, you can take breaks from studying. Not just that you CAN, but that you SHOULD. You're not a machine--you're a human being. Human beings were meant to take breaks. During those breaks, I challenge you to take 5-15 minutes to just let your body move. If you can't find time to exercise, dance. If you want to let your brain rest, dance. If you're discouraged, dance. Let yourself be 'you' for those 5-15 minutes. Trust me. It'll bring you joy, even if just a little bit.


I wish you all luck on your papers, your projects, and your final exams! Remember: you can do hard things. You're awesome! :)



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