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  • Writer's pictureEmma Uhrlass

Playlist Spotlight: cherry blossoms

Imagine: You're sitting outside of a cafe, sipping your coffee and enjoying the newly warm air. It has just turned to springtime and the sun has awoken from its long slumber, creating streaks of peach and gold in the sky. The world seems to stop for a moment as people begin to look up at the quickly blooming cherry blossoms planted by the river. You smile, admiring the way in which everyone is together again, laughing and holding each other by the riverside. You reach for your favorite person's hand and squeeze it as the two of you walk out of the patio area to enjoy the newness of Spring together. Everything is good.

I am a daydreamer. It's quite dangerous on most days, especially during a global pandemic. There are so many days where I wish I could simply be elsewhere. Sometimes, I see myself biking through empty streets at moonlight, feeling safe and comforted by the serenity of the quiet. Other times, I am the center of a laughter-filled dinner party, as my guests gather around to indulge themselves in delicious fare, the dramas of life, and quality time. Even though these moments have been living in my head for the past few months due to strict Stay-At-Home orders and restricted areas, I've been trying to create these moments in real time.

Sometimes, it's taking a walk late at night through my neighborhood. Though I've traveled down those roads countless times, dusk brings a newness to the rather stagnant town I call home. It's nice to feel new sometimes in the old.

Other times, it is a Zoom call, filled with your friends from college. Each of you bringing a dinner to "share" while you chat about your lives outside of each others.

Maybe, even, if you're lucky like I've been, it's the warmth of someone you love. Your laughter melting together as you look into their eyes and feel at peace. The feeling of joy seeming obsolete to the feeling you are experiencing in this little moment.

It's almost as if, as much as I would love to be somewhere else, I am exactly where I need to be. This playlist is for moments like these, where you recognize the sweetness in the ordinary. And life seems to play on, even when the world stops.



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