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  • Writer's pictureEmma Uhrlass

Blog Update!

Hi guys, gals, & non-binary pals!

I hope you all have been safe and healthy during these unprecedented times!

I wanted to give a quick update as to the status of my blog. I have recently moved back to Chapel Hill to start school and, as I begin to try and navigate a wonky start to the fall, I have realized I won't have enough time to keep up with the previous demands of writing every day. HOWEVER, don't freak out--Record Scratch will still be active!

The previous posting schedule was, as follows:

A Song of the Day every day, Monday-Friday; Weekly special posts.

Now, the posting schedule will be: Songs of the Week (5 songs posted on Monday to get you through the week) and Bi-weekly special posts!

This new schedule will hopefully give me the opportunity to focus on my studies while still sharing great music with you all!

In the meantime, I am curating some new tracks and playlists for you all, and I can't WAIT for you all to listen!



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