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  • Writer's pictureEmma Uhrlass

Artist Radar: Sammy Rae & The Friends

"Go put a smile on somebody's face, go tell somebody they've got a place in this world, go tell somebody you want to be friends with them." -Sammy Rae & The Friends


Innovative. Spunky. Full of life.

Just a few words to describe the incredible Sammy Rae and her 8-piece band, The Friends. The group was created when lead singer, Sammy Rae, packed up her bags and moved to New York City at 19 to pursue a music career. However, Rae's story began way before that. The lead singer began songwriting at age 12, while living in the small town of Derby, Connecticut. At age 16, she became inspired by jazz and the sounds of female singers, such as Ella Fitzgerald and Sarah Vaughn. Astoundingly, she produced three albums at the ages of 15, 17, and 19, which showcase her new blues sound and impressive range. Though these albums are not available online, their sheer existence are a testament to Sammy Rae's songwriting journey and her continual growth as a musician.

In New York, Sammy Rae & The Friends soared in local popularity, as they sold out their first show in 2018 after their release of the EP, The Good Life. The Brooklyn performance not only premiered the group to the public of New York, but re-introduced Sammy Rae as a singer, composer, arranger, and most importantly, a bandleader. Though the proclaimed 'leader' of the group, Rae never lets her groupmates feel outshined. In fact, in every track, she arranges an opportunity--often, through a solo section or feature--for her friends to showcase their talents. For example, in the popular track (and one of my personal favorites), "Good Life," Rae arranges a solo section for her saxophonist, who absolutely NAILS killer jazz-inspired riffs. Though she herself shines vocally throughout this track, the song would never be complete without the saxophone feature, and the incredible drum beat that accompanies it, representing the cohesiveness and closeness of the group.

Though I could talk endlessly about the sheer talent Sammy Rae and The Friends possesses (seriously, they're amazing), I thought I'd highlight a few of my favorite tracks. From their EP, The Good Life, "Kick It to Me" is a great introduction to the sound of the group. With jazzy saxophone and trumpet features and a laid-back feel, "Kick It to Me" instantly gives you all of the good vibes. The message is even sweeter than you anticipate, as Sammy Rae sings about relying on your friends during your bad days in order to alleviate some of your burdens. After all, that is what friends are for. The lyrics can also be interpreted to be about a love interest, which is the beauty of Rae's lyrical masterpieces. They're ambiguous, so they're attainable for many people--some in relationships and some not. However, regardless of how you are, the pure joy you feel during this track is eternal and it leaves you ready to start the day, perhaps with a spring in your step and a smile on your face. Her more serious track, "Good Life" is another one of my favorites. It starts more somber and Sammy Rae almost leads you to believe it'll be a ballad of sorts. However, the drums come in and the harmonization between trumpet, saxophone, and Rae's own voice, and it is very clear that this track is more than anticipated. It's astutely arranged, giving each party of Sammy Rae & The Friends a chance to shine. From the electric guitar, thumping bass drum, brassy saxophone and trumpet duo, to Rae's beautiful vocals, this song is incomplete without each of its parts.

The two other tracks I want to highlight are actually singles of Sammy Rae & The Friends, which are fitting given their uniqueness and stand-alone qualities. "Jackie Onassis" was my first song of the group's. For months, I was obsessed with this song and rightfully so; with it's beautiful musical storytelling, it's impossible not to love this track. "Jackie Onassis" tells the story of the lead singer's first love: a woman named 'Jackie Onassis.' To hide her identity, Rae instead describes her love as Jackie Onassis, or better known as former First Lady, Jackie Kennedy. The lyrics are witty in this comparison, as Rae sings that "she's the First Lady / to hold me through the night." This pause is quick, but Rae knew exactly what she was doing in her songwriting, which I adore. Besides its lyrical quality, "Jackie Onassis" is a musical paradise. It has your slow build-up sections, with minimal instrumentation, but then, out of nowhere, a jazz-inspired shout section appears and you're bopping your head, tapping your foot, and feeling joy in your soul. Seriously, it's that good.

The final track I want to highlight is "Whatever We Feel," which is a joy-filled testament to self-love. Throughout this track, you can physically feel the joy come from the lyrics and the performers, as they cheer each other on and hype each other up. It's simply the most exciting, sweet track the group has created and it never fails to make me happy.

Look out for the group's new album coming in 2021! For now, enjoy the joyful noise Sammy Rae & The Friends create and never, ever stop.



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